Fabricación de productos para la alimentación animal
Productos y servicios
Fabricación de piensos compuestos y producción y comercialización de frutos secos, principalmente almendras y avellanas
Fabricación de productos para la alimentación de animales de granja
Fabricación de productos para la alimentación de animales de granja
Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals
This institution operates as an agricultural cooperative financial association. It was incorporated in 1949 and has its registered office in Benasal, Spain. It is a financial entity which belongs to its members who supervise and control the cooperative, and who, at the same time are the owners and the customers of the cooperative. The institution provide various services to their farming members such as pooling of production resources (land and machinery) which may be used during harvest. It also provides financial resources which are pooled to members farm jointly. It is an entity that features customer-owned entities, democratic member control, and profit allocation. The cooperative is member-owned, and the earnings of members are returned in the form a higher dividends, lower loan rates, less fees and better financial services.